Monday Dec 04, 2023

The Relentless Pursuit Of Hollywood with Abi Khan

Abi Khan is a great friend who has the clearest goal and most insane work ethic of anyone I know. He wakes up at 3am every morning to put himself one step closer to his acting career before working as a personal body transformation coach.

This conversation took us many places. Here’s what to expect:


🏉 From scared and limited to a professional, unstoppable Rugby League Player.


💪🏽Inheriting an insane work ethic through family and culture


🥅How acting became the dream and why Abi will stop at nothing to achieve it


🗣️Abi’s philosophy on purpose and passion


🏃🏽‍♂️A deep insight into the professional health & fitness world, and how to avoid the fake gurus


1️⃣How Abi helped a client lose 6kg in 1 week by changing 1 thing in his diet.


🔥Becoming fit and ready for when the opportunity finally does come, while remaining patient


🚀What Abi’s vision is. What’s the big, ambitious dream of becoming a Hollywood actor all about and why.


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