Monday Nov 13, 2023

Self-Sabotage to Self-Validation: 7 personal lessons from the last 12 months

I’ve been waiting to record this episode, I just didn’t know it would look like this.

I recently stepped into a call with a group of men, and had an unexpected experience where I could let my walls down for the first time in a long time.

It took a journey to get there, and that journey is what this entire episode is about.

It’s a look into some of the most profound lessons that have created the most growth in my life over the last 12 months, and it feels like it’s just starting.

Here’s what to expect:

  1. 🙂 Breaking Out Of People Pleasing & Nice Guy Mentality.
  2. 🔨 How I Took Down The Walls.
  3. 🤝 Why Men Need To Be Around Other Men More.
  4. 👿 Why Comparison Really Is The Thief Of Joy.
  5. ❌ The Prison Of Seeking Permission & Validation From Others.
  6. 📣 How Changing My Language Changed My World.
  7. 🤝 Trusting The Most Important Person In My Life.
  8. 7️⃣ 7 personal lessons from the last 12 months.
  9. 🥋 How Ju Jitsu impacted my self worth.
  10. ✅ Why finding the right mentor or coach is one of the most important decisions of your life.




Jaguar Heart -

Atomic Habits - James Clear


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